A panorama of our contribution to collections
Antropomorph Uttar Pradesh, India 2nd Millenium B.C. Copper 45 cm
Avalokiteshwara Bodhisattwa Tibet 15th cent. Gilt copper, semiprecious stones 28 cm
Bodhisattwa Nepal 16th cent. Embossed gilt copper, semiprecious stones 63 cm
Bookcover Nepal 12th cent. circa Embossed gilt copper on wood 67 x 17 cm
Hand of the Buddha Historical Gandhara 2nd cent. A.D. circa Schist 22 cm
Hari Hara Cambodia, Pre Khmer 7th – 8th cent. A.D. Sandstone 40 cm
Male Deity Cambodia 10th cent. A.D. Sandstone 84 cm
Padmapani Bodhisattwa India, Pala Period 11th cent. A.D. Black schist 47 cm
Padmapani Bodhisattwa Swat Valley, Pakistan 6th cent. A.D. Bronze 23 cm
Sakya Lama Tibet 14th cent. Gilt copper 33 cm
Tara Bodhisattwa Nepal 16th cent. Embossed gilt copper 57 cm
The Buddha Western Himalaya 9th cent. Copper alloy 22 cm